Our mission is to provide quality, health-oriented socks wear at affordable prices to pamper our customers and fulfill their desire for more than plain practically.



78 outlets and
still expanding

64 outlets and
still expanding

45 outlets and
still expanding

17 outlets and
still expanding

23 outlets and
still expanding

78 outlets 

20 outlets 

11 outlets and
still expanding

8 outlets and
still expanding

Why Choose us?

We have our own service team and van.


✔ Monitoring closely on stock movement of each outlet.


All selling price are fixed


Deliver direct to customer


✔ Fix team member service


No overstock


To provide socks display


✔  To help display the
deliver stock

✔  Provide product knowledge to floor staff


Seasonal stock management


Provide repacking service


Supply correct stock according to outlet demand


Express delivery if needed urgently


Provdie exchange of non salesable stock


Pricing are fixed by us and they is no different pricing, all the pricing are reasonable to the end consumer.



Majority of the customer we have served them are over 5 years to 20years, and we have not lost one of the customer for all these years


1- Zero stock handling cost.


2- Minimum stock lost


3- Maximum the stock value on display


4- Increase of sales in socks department


5- Handling by professional seller


6- Save time and cost on handling socks deparment

the socks kingdom

Our Process

With Masmos Niaga you recive the products directry from factory to your outlet.